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Getting started with Overland Navigator
How to use Overland Navigator

Supported devices and installationWhat you'll need to get started with Navigator
Your account
Using the mapThe map screen is where you can view all the tracks, campsites and interest points in Overland Navigator.
TracksAll about the tracks in Overland Navigator
CampsitesAll the basics on the campsites
Frequently asked questions
Creating route and campsite reviewsLet others know how you found a route or campsite - upload photos and give it a rating
Uploading tracksAdding your own tracks to Overland Navigator
Topographic mapsHow to best make use of topo maps inside of Overland Navigator
The activity screenKeep an eye on what's going on in the Overland Navigator community and when new routes are added
Map legendAn overview of all the items on the map
Navigating to routesKnowing how to get to the routes is as important as the routes themselves.